Pictures connect people to knowledge in ways that words and numbers cannot. When artists and scientists work together, they promote understanding through new ways of seeing the world.
Many see art and science as polar opposites. But the merger of art and science has been the foundation for my life's work—making complex information understandable to a wide variety of people, from healthcare patients to venture capitalists.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and Master of Science (MS) in Medical and Biological Illustration, University of Michigan
Board-Certified Medical Illustrator (CMI)
Fellow, past President and Outstanding Service Award recipient, Association of Medical Illustrators
Recipient of over 120 professional awards as illustrator, designer and creative director
Over 100 original medical and scientific illustrations accepted into the permanent archives of the Vesalius Trust Collection of the Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
Founder and former president of Artemis Creative, Inc.—a Silicon Valley-based design firm specializing in investor communications for biotechnology. Assisted clients in raising over half a billion dollars in Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s)
Instructor in the visual communication of science at Stanford Continuing Studies and the University of California, San Francisco Medical Campus.
Co- founder of Picture as Portal LLC and the online course S.P.A.R.K. | 5 Strategies for the Visual Communication of Science
The beauty and wonder of the natural world. That's been my inspiration for a career path that's led from artist to medical illustrator to creative director of a team of communicators—all collaborating to tell complex science stories through both words and pictures.
I'm privileged to have worked with acclaimed scientists and creative professionals to introduce groundbreaking discoveries that have changed the world.